cane veterinario trentino jaminriverside pixabay cc publicdomain
cane veterinario trentino jaminriverside pixabay cc publicdomain

Useful Addresses for Dog Owners

Following we have listed some useful addresses which could help you along during your holidays with your four-legged friend in the Trentino


Trentino Veterinary Service APSS (the page is available only in Italian language)

Here you can find a register of veterinarians throughout the Trentino: Veterianarians Trentino

Dog sitter service

The animal shelter of Trento offers a dog sitter service, a wide network of services for dog owners, who want to know their four-legged friend in safe hands for a few hours or even days.

Further information:
Trento Animal Shelter (Canile di Trento)
Località Centa, 7
Vela (TN)
Tel. +39 328 2589488

Boarding kennels

  • Paradise
    Hamlet Loppio, 17 – 38065 Mori (TN)
    Phone: +39 339 2735016 /+39 333 3298320

  • Il castagno
    via Angeli, 14 – 38050 Marter di Roncegno (TN)
    Phone: +39 333 582 5032

  • Bosco dell’Impero
    via ai Pizèdi, 5 - 38057 Hamlet Assizzi / Pergine Valsugana (TN)
    Phone: +39 0461 531672 / +39 342 6016868

  • Special Dog – Allevamento la Rosa Canina e pensione per cani
    via del Cadrobol, 5 - 38042 Hamley Miola / Baselga di Pinè (TN)
    Phone:+39 347 8072843 (Riccardo)

  • Io&Te Pensione a 4 Zampe Val di Sole
    via G. Bresadola, 37 - 38025 Dimaro Folgarida (TN)
    Phone: +39 333 7968256

Pet shops

“L’isola dei tesori” the store chain is called, which offers everything all about animals. Shops can be found in Trento, Rovereto, Arco, Riva del Garda and Pergine Valsugana.

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Suggested accommodations

  1. Small & Lovely Hotel Zaluna
    Small & Lovely Hotel Zaluna

    Small & Lovely Hotel Zaluna

Tips and more infos